Business Source Complete is IIT's largest business database, offering full-text access to thousands of scholarly journals, trade publications, and industry reports on a wide range of business-related topics including management, economics, finance, accounting, and marketing. Includes company profiles, case studies, SWOT analyses, and market research reports. An invaluable resource for researchers seeking current and historical business information.
APA PsycINFO is a specialized database focusing on behavioral and social sciences, providing access to a vast collection of psychological literature and research in the form of journal articles, books, dissertations, and technical reports. An essential resource for researchers in psychology and related fields.
Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database offering full-text access to thousands of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, and other publications across a wide range of academic disciplines, including social science, humanities, computer science, engineering, physics, chemistry, and more. A good place to begin researching a topic.
JSTOR is a database offering access to a large collection of academic journals, books, images, and primary sources across multiple disciplines. It provides researchers, students, and scholars with full-text access to archival and current content from various fields including humanities, social sciences, and sciences, making it a crucial resource for literature reviews and historical research.
When Google Scholar knows you're connected to IIT, it can link you directly to any articles you search for that IIT has in full-text. This lets you use Google's great indexing capabilities to get linked to the more than 40,000 full-text journals that IIT subscribes to.
From your favorite browser, go to the Library Links section of the Google Scholar settings. Add "Illinois Institute of Technology" to the library links section. This will allow Google Scholar to access IIT's databases to locate your article in full-text.
Example search
*Vidyarthi, P. R., Anand, S., & Liden, R. C. (2014). Do emotionally perceptive leaders motivate higher employee performance? The moderating role of task interdependence and power distance. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), 232-244.