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SSCI 209: Social Sciences Research Methods

Course guide for SSCI 209 covering library resources and other research tips

Illinois Tech Library Search

The easiest way to search for materials is by using the Illinois Tech Library Search.

Check out our Library Search User Guide below for more information about performing basic and advanced searches using this tool.

Search Tips

The guide below has additional images and explanations, but briefly, remember:

  1. Combine keywords using AND, OR, and NOT in the search bars to begin your search.
  2. Use filters like Date, Source Type, or Peer Reviewed to refine your search and find sources that fit your requirements.
  3. Review your results and adjust your keywords to find different articles based on your results.
  4. Save sources that might be useful by copying the citation or permalink, downloading the article, or emailing it to yourself.

Recommended Databases

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a popular way to search for scholarly articles, reports, books, and more. Make sure to connect your Google Scholar account directly to your library account to streamline your access to articles.

Search directly below, or click the link to search in the Google Scholar interface.

Google Scholar Search