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Intellectual Property

An introduction to intellectual property, such as patents, copyright, and trademarks

Copyright Tools and Websites

Help & Resources

Help & Resources for Faculty, Staff & Students.

Theses & Dissertation Guide

If you need help formatting, submitting or preparing your Thesis or Dissertation please contact Devin Savage @

Creating Permanent URLs 

Often the easiest way to avoid potential problems with copyright altogether is for Faculty to provide a link to the resource, rather than providing a copy of the resource itself. If possible, the library encourages Faculty members to follow our guide for creating persistent URLs. 

Publicly Available Images

As an alternative to using copyrighted works the library encourages Faculty, Students and Staff to use publicly available works that are licensed through the Creative Commons. For help searching images and using Creative Commons licenses please contact

Seeking Permission from the Copyright Owner

Sometimes there is no alternative but to try and contact the copyright owner for permission to use their copyrighted work. In those cases often the simplest method is to contact the copyright owner directly to ask for permission. However, in cases where the copyright owner is unknown or unresponsive the library recommends that users seek permission through the Copyright Clearance Center, which will ensure that permission is granted for a fee. For help using the Copyright Clearance Center please contact

Open Educational Resources

The library strongly encourages faculty, students and staff to pursue openly available alternatives to copyrighted works. The University of Minnesota Library has compiled a list of resources to facilitate faculty member’s access to Open Textbooks in order to avoid problems with copyright, as well as reduce the cost burden on students. If faculty need any help locating and accessing an Open Educational Resource, such as a textbook they should contact

Public Domain Guide

Some copyrighted works are old enough that they have fallen into the Public Domain, and IIT faculty, students and staff are able to freely use and reuse them as they wish. In general, if a work was published before 1923 it is in the Public Domain. However, much more recent works could also be in the Public Domain, and therefore open for public use. The copyright office at Cornell University has created a useful guide to deciphering whether or not a work is in the Public Domain. If you need help finding out whether or not a work is in the public domain please contact