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Checking Things Out

Everything you need to know when checking out books, laptops, movies, or anything else from the Galvin Library.

Books from Other Illinois Libraries - I-SHARE

I-SHARE is a consortium of Academic, Research, and University libraries in Illinois.

Libraries participating in I-SHARE have agreed to share materials with users of other member universities. 


Requesting Books from I-SHARE Libraries


Finding books available to you through I-SHARE is easy; simply choose the All I-SHARE Libraries search scope when searching the library catalog to see results from all member libraries.

  1. When you find an item that you would like to request, click on it and scroll down to the How to Get It section. You may need to sign in with your IIT login credentials before proceeding.
  2. Click I-SHARE to view a pre-filled request form.
  3. Click Send Request.
  4. You will receive an email when your item is ready for pickup at the Galvin Library. I-SHARE requests typically take a few days to arrive.

I-SHARE Rules and Policies

Loan Policies


  • I-SHARE Items can be checked out for 28 days.
  • I-SHARE Items can be renewed up to three times for a maximum loan period of 112 days.
  • No late fines are charged for I-SHARE items.
  • I-SHARE items may be returned to the Galvin Library main desk, or to the outdoor book drop.
  • Users are responsible for any damaged or lost I-SHARE items that are checked out to them.

Renewing I-SHARE Items

You can renew I-SHARE books as long as you are within the 112 day renewal period.

Log into your library account using your IIT login credentials to view your currently borrowed items. After signing in, click your name in the upper-right hand corner of the screen, then select Library Card.

I-SHARE items are listed by the items' owning libraries. A list of libraries can be viewed on the left side of the screen. Click each library individually to see the list of items that you have checked out from that library. You can either renew each item individually after clicking on it, or you can select Renew All to renew all the items that you have checked out from that particular library.

If you need an I-SHARE item longer than the maximum renewal period, you can email the Circulation Staff at the Galvin Library at to request an extension. Or, you may reach out to the item's owning library with your due date extension request. Look for the item's owning library in this list to find contact information.