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Science and Politics: Climate Change

A guide looking at the interpretation and use of scientific data for political and other purposes.

Governmental Agencies and Organizations on Climate Change

Organizations and Web Sites Discussing the Misuse of Science in the Climate Change Debate

Organizations and Web Sites Seeking to Disprove Climate Change

CHEM410: Science of Climate Change

Taught by Dr. Peter Lykos of IIT's Chemistry Department, CHEM 410 focuses on the science underlying global warming/climate change. How can we continue to lead the good life while living in harmony with nature? Although obviously important, commercial/political aspects are not considered here. However, any serious debate about climate change issues eventually has to rest on the underlying scientific facts so we need to be informed. Ultimately the sun is our primary source of power. How do we responsibly access that power in the short, intermediate and long terms? Bio-fuels, carbon dioxide, polar ice caps, and solar power are some of the topics to be discussed. 


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Kelly Laas
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions
10 W. 35th Street
2nd Floor
Subjects: Ethics