Articles are great for when you want to find the most current research on your topic or when you need detailed information about very specific subject. There are many types of articles. Some are written by scholars and undergo rigorous peer review; others are written by journalists in the industry and do not face the same scrutiny. You'll find articles from journals and newspapers, as well as conference reports, book reviews, editorials, and popular magazines inside our databases.
These databases are great places to look to find information about Chemistry. Check out the Databases page to see a full list of databases.
The ProQuest SciTech Collection is a database providing access to scientific and technical literature across various disciplines. It offers full-text articles, abstracts, and citations from journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports in fields such as engineering, computer science, physics, and environmental science.
The SciTech Premium Collection includes the Natural Science Collection and the Technology Collection and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.
For those researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews, this database includes specialized, editorial-controlled A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline.
Google Scholar is a popular way to search for scholarly articles, reports, books and more. You can connect Google Scholar to IIT's libraries from the library links section of Scholar Preferences. This way, when you find an article you'd like to read you will be able to see if we have the article or be directed to MyILL to request it.
Professors may ask you to read a specific article. You may also need to find article from a reference list, or a friend may recommend that you read an article. A citation contains the specific information about the article, such as the title, author, date and journal in which the article is published. You will need the citation to find the article in library databases. The "find an article from a citation" form below will connect you to the database that has the article, or take you to MyILL to request the article.
Alternatively, you can search the article in Google Scholar. For best results, search for the FULL title in quotes (""). This can be highly effective when Google's "Library Links" are activated (see our Getting the Most out of Google guide for more details).